Summary of TTAPI's Midjourney API FAQs
Failed jobs and reasons
This column only introduces the job when the synchronous task submission is successful and the asynchronous hook
or fetch
returns the failure.
The message represents the reason for the job failure. The enumeration and answer are as follows:
Job Timeout
ttapi Job Timeout。
Case 1: The timeout field is not set or the timeout field is set too small.
Case 2:Midjourney official failure. Midjourney handles high-frequency traffic and has experienced various failures almost every once in a while since v5. You can check the official status page to view it in real time.
[Banned prompt detected] Sorry! Our AI moderator thinks this...
The submitted prompt text content violates the NSFW (Not Safe For Work) regulations of midjourney management.
[Image denied] Request cancelled due to image filters...
The submitted prompt image link content violates the NSFW (Not Safe For Work) regulations of midjourney management.
Failed to process your command...
Midjourney Bot: Failed to process your command :c
[Internal error] Something went wrong...
[Internal server error] Apologies, something went wrong...
Execution error, system exception...
Midjourney official error, strange error that the official has not explained.
[Invalid link!]...
midjourney failed to obtain the image link in your prompt
Unknown Integration Unknown Message 未知消息 未知集成
An account exception in the midjourney account pool of the ttapi platform was not caught. If this problem occurs frequently, please contact us and we will deal with it as soon as possible.
[Invalid parameter] Invalid value ...
The command in prompt is wrong. For example, if you want to use v6 mode, "v6" is not preceded by the "--" directive, "--cref" is not used with "-- v 6.0", etc.
Other exceptions
If you have questions, please contact us
TTAPI storage
Storage and use: In PPU (pay for per use) mode, the imagine endpoint supports the simultaneous storage of four small pictures generated. This image is stored in the storage server of the ttapi platform. This address does it involve ja3 verification, etc. It can be accessed or downloaded directly.
Storage timeliness: Each generated picture takes up a lot of space. As the platform operates, the space occupied will become larger and larger. If ttapi is running well, we will continue to purchase servers. In principle, the image address will be saved permanently. If subsequent costs increase or other circumstances require cost savings, we will retain at least one month's worth of images and clear the space from back to front. There will be a notice to notify all users before cleaning.
Last updated